Best Games for girls

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Best Online games for girls

We offer you a rich collection of games for girls. We offer you free games on various topics:

  • cooking;
  • fashion;
  • toys;
  • business and much more.

Each game in its own interesting and useful, so playing them you gain invaluable experience. These games have interesting tasks that push us to different adventures, sometimes forcing us to perform feats. You can go to the kitchen to cook various culinary masterpieces, do needlework or appear in the role of the designer or hair stylist. You can look after children or animals, build a farm or learn a lot of interesting jobs: from doctors to teachers.

Cute games

Modern girls such games will be interesting because they cover different areas of life. This allows you to find a lot of new and interesting hobbies, and not always female.

Some characters in the games are no worse in sports or construction. And we should also talk about the great love of adventure. But of course, none of our heroines do not forget about the usual things like cooking, fashion and more. These areas are very diverse and can combine several trends simultaneously. Each heroine of the games for girls can stand up for himself, to sort out the confusing situation, using the flexibility of logic.


All girls love to cook, and it's cool. We offer you to master the cuisines of different countries. Here you will have to cook:

  • pizza;
  • pasta;
  • hot dogs and hamburgers;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • sushi and much more.

The famous chefs are already tired of looking for a talented assistant. Help them prepare all the dishes they have ordered and earn your first money.

Dress up games

This category of games are sure to please the girls. Here, along with the fairy princesses you have to try on a different image.

Each game has its own storyline to be based on. For example, you have to collect princesses to the main rock party. In front of you will appear a heroine who needs to do hair and makeup. After that, choose her outfit and do not forget about the accessories that will complement your image.

Games with children

In these adventures you are waiting for pleasant troubles with small children. You will have to take care of them:

  • feed them;
  • take them to kindergarten;
  • play with them and much more.

These babies are so funny that it is impossible to tear yourself away.

Romantic Games

In this section of the best games for girls you are waiting for a pleasant romantic adventure. You have to go on a date with the most handsome boy from school.

Are you excited? It's understandable. We'll help you get ready for the meeting. Who knows, maybe it's your destiny?