Vladimir the bear is here! Wild Assault announcement

Chinese company Combat Cat Studio presented Wild Assault action movie with third-person view, where all characters are animals. They can move, shoot and talk like people, but each of them has a special color of fur, length of fangs, tactical skills, and sometimes even accent. For example, there is a Russian bear and a Japanese fox. And also - good graphics, created on the engine Unreal Engine 5, Russian language support and large-scale battles up to "20 on 20". The release is scheduled for April 11. Let's tell you what else we know about this extraordinary project.

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Who needs Battlefield and PUBG when you can create a multiplayer team shooter about animals? This is the question the developers of the game asked themselves, where a wolf fights on equal terms with a rabbit, and a bull attacks a bear with a Thompson machine gun. But the bear is not a bad guy either: he himself has a large caliber, and also a special skill for building a wall of shields with red stars around him. The bear is not an ordinary bear, but Russian, and his name is Vladimir. No, it's not a dream with a temperature of 39, but a new game created by Chinese craftsmen. This country's gamemade has been delightful lately - Marvel Rivals alone is worth a lot.

The main mode is a battle between two teams of twenty players. Before the battle you can choose a role and, accordingly, a totem animal. The same rabbit has the specialty of a medic, the wolf is able to see through the shelters to identify enemies behind them, and the bear is a classic tank. Also at the disposal of fighters a variety of arsenal, grenades, traps and other devices. The fighter will be released on April 11, only, alas, in early access. And when to wait for a full-fledged release - no one reports.

20 March 2025