World of Warcraft Classic is gearing up for "Cataclysm"
on May 20, a major addition Cataclysm will be uploaded to the servers of Blizzard's classic MMORPG. In it, the inhabitants of fairytale lands will be challenged again by the dragon Deathwing, the heroes will go to previously unexplored zones, dungeons and raids, and there will be a couple of races, additional professions and much more. And all these changes will be preceded by an update called "Split Azeroth" - gamers will get acquainted with it on April 30. Let's tell you what WoW fans can expect this spring.
Read more about World of Warcraft Classic: Cataclysm

The Preliminary Supplement serves as a prologue to the main story. It shows the destruction of Azeroth, the deformation of the landscape of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Two new races will also appear here - Vorgen and Goblins. Players will be able to try themselves in the role of archaeologists, specialists in transmogrification and reshaping objects. Then on the virtual world will fall the wrath of a fire-breathing dragon. But the possibilities of heroes from such problems will only increase: there will be seven locations, ten dungeons, five raids (including three on release), PvP-zone Tol Balad will allow you to cross swords and spells, and in the role characteristics will appear new branches of pumping.
A raid version of each boss in Cataclysm will be available to 10 or 25 players each week. And all activities will be available only to characters from level 80 to 85. The developers immediately warn about the items associated with the DLC Wrath of the Lich King: some of them will be unavailable, and to get others will be much harder than before. At the same time, achievements for guardian missions will remain intact. Access to Cataclysm will be available to all owners of a regular subscription - no additional fees will not be required from anyone. On the same terms will be released and the next major additions: summer "Zandalar Rebirth", fall "Fury of Fire", as well as "Time of Twilight", which is scheduled for release in January 2025.
A raid version of each boss in Cataclysm will be available to 10 or 25 players each week. And all activities will be available only to characters from level 80 to 85. The developers immediately warn about the items associated with the DLC Wrath of the Lich King: some of them will be unavailable, and to get others will be much harder than before. At the same time, achievements for guardian missions will remain intact. Access to Cataclysm will be available to all owners of a regular subscription - no additional fees will not be required from anyone. On the same terms will be released and the next major additions: summer "Zandalar Rebirth", fall "Fury of Fire", as well as "Time of Twilight", which is scheduled for release in January 2025.
11 April 2024