An industry veteran has unveiled a space MMO game

Raf Koster, who previously worked on Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies and EverQuest II, announced a new multiplayer game called Stars Reach. Its action unfolds on different planets, where the heroes extract resources and build bases. The project also provides PvP-zones and simulation of natural disasters, such as fires or floods. We tell you below about the most interesting details known at the moment.

What's notable about Stars Reach?

According to the developer, with the help of cloud technologies, his team managed to create a universe with thousands of planets, each of which has flora and fauna. Any of these worlds can be inhabited and studied as you like, and also terraformed - build hills, dig pits, level the landscape for construction sites. The constructor of buildings is also diverse enough for everyone to equip just such a base, in which he wants to live. In addition, the Playable Worlds staff came up with a system of simulation of physical processes - if, for example, set fire to one tree, the fire will spread to neighboring trees, and the change in global temperature can at the same time change the types of plants and animals living on a particular planet. Forests will really grow here, and rivers will flow, washing their beds in the ground.

Though Stars Reach looks unassuming, the developers promise a lot of possibilities, unavailable in other MMOs. It will be possible, for example, to equip underground factories, to build spaceports and trading stations in orbit, and also to create black holes that can destroy entire worlds. How all these technologies will be realized on the basis of Unity engine is still unknown. But already promised to focus on productive platforms - computers. Although the plans also support controllers and touch screens.

29 June 2024