Dragonheir: Silent Gods is now home to cat people

MMORPG Dragonheir: Silent Gods, based on the rules of Dungeons & Dragons, is preparing for the start of the fourth season. In it players are waiting for adventures on a new location, acquaintance with a race of creatures resembling humans and tigers, the next level of rarity of items and getting in the collection of several heroes that will expand the tactical capabilities of gamers. How it will change gameplay, we tell you below.

Read more about the fourth season of Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Along with the update, some properties will receive the powers of the elements - for example, ice will have the quality "Power of Permafrost", and lightning will be supplemented by "Power of Splendor". Also artifacts will get another level - mythic. It will, of course, make all items useful in battle stronger. You will be able to use all this in fights with monsters in the area around the Lamar volcano, where fire monsters roam and their leader named Ascetius rules. The audience will also be able to fight in a new mode called "Time Vortex".

Nevertheless, the main addition to the game - a set of heroes from twelve legendary, eight epic and five rare. It is among them that representatives of the half-animal race will now appear. All tigermen have a basic ability "Captain" - it adds 30% to the attack of allies. But the rest of the skills are different. Shahra uses her aura energy to cast various spells, including the Echo of Prophecy shockwave. Halramar, on the other hand, is a specialist in darkness and poison. Maashtur chops enemies in close combat and burns them with lightning, using the "Verdict of the River God" technique.

17 June 2024