Black Desert is sending everyone underwater

What could be more pleasant in the summer heat than a dip in the cool sea? The Pearl Abyss staff has come up with a new adventure for the heroes of their MMORPG - you have to go down to the sea floor to find the missing rabbit Honorable Toh. The event, called "Underwater Palace", will last until August 23 and will bring daredevils a variety of awards. Some will even receive a retro-futuristic spacesuit.

"Underwater Palace" in Black Desert

The quest that opens access to the abyss is given by the storekeeper Goyong of the Rice Village. After taking her quest to find Toh, you'll head to the bottom, where you'll meet characters offering quests and activities. But before you dive into the whirlpool that serves as a gateway, make sure your character is already level 30 or has completed the "Tale of Kumrihyun" mission in the Land of Morning. Down below, characters can explore the palace, bet on the hare and turtle races, fight monsters, and, naturally, fish. As a bonus, each active gamer receives special seals, which, in turn, are exchanged for useful items. Among the latter, for example, there is a spacesuit, furniture for the manor and scrolls.

A bonus for "scuba divers" will be a shark suit, available by promo code PALA-CEIN-THEO-CEAN. And who will find the main plot boring, can take additional tasks - such as "The Tale of Sim Chon", where the father is looking for his daughter. Captori, pictured here, will be the real guide to the sea. Are you lost? Want to know more about this location? Just ask this man. Another important person is the lantern-wielding merchant Hyonen, who gives out prizes for successful bets in competitions. Desperate fighters can fight the huge monster, the Vell's cub, and if you want to fly, head towards the bubbling bubbles.

05 August 2023