One in The Finals is now a warrior

Embark, a studio made up of former Electronic Arts employees, has unveiled update 1.5.0 for its multiplayer shooter, where single-player mode is finally available. Previously there was no possibility to play solo, and the rules required everyone to act in teams, because of which randomly recruited groups often gave up their positions under the pressure of played squads. That's why the update was very relevant. Let's find out what else is interesting.

More about The Finals version 1.5.0

In the action movie, characters fight each other for virtual money, and all matches are presented like episodes of a popular TV show. The new Bank It! mode gives a green light to loners - in a time-limited shootout of twelve participants, the first to collect 40,000 coins and deposit them wins. Of course, the developers could not avoid the topic of cheaters, so in the patch they improved the system of searching for impure gamers - from now on all people who use illegal software will get a ban. On the other hand, honest users will get better experience and bug fixes.

Embark Studios raises the heat of battles, making them shorter in all modes. On the other hand, the patch increases the time required to charge and activate the cloaking device, reduces shield health from 1100 to 1000 points, cuts the damage from C4 explosives and RPG shots, and reduces the stun from the shocker from 15 to 13 seconds. In other words, battles have become a bit more difficult. And more spectacular: on the map "Las Vegas" they corrected the destruction system to make glass and walls break more naturally, and at the same time they added improved animations of reloading all kinds of weapons.

19 January 2024