You can now become a ghoul in Fallout 76

Guli are a special kind of mutants in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic universe. They represent people who have lost their human form (and sometimes their minds) after a nuclear bombing, but who have received eternal life and immunity to disease in return. They are usually negative characters and enemies. However, there are exceptions. It's enough to remember the plot of Fallout 4, where one such monster was looking for relatives, and another managed to become the mayor of a run-down town. In the new addition Ghoul Within for MMORPG Fallout 76 in the same universe everyone can become an immortal monster.

Read more about Ghoul Within for Fallout 76

Becoming a Gul means more than just a change of appearance. It opens up entirely new ways to explore Appalachia, as well as a unique tree of development unavailable to humans. A radioactive mutant will survive where any human would die and take on a dose of radiation that can kill anyone. There are 30 perks available to the new class - 28 basic and 2 legendary. But to unlock them, you must first take the quest chain "Leap of Faith" and undergo a transformation.

Then you will be surprised to find out that your hero no longer needs to drink water and get food. However, he will have a sanity scale, which must be fed special chemicals. If you don't do this, sooner or later the character will lose the rest of his sanity and become wild. However, degradation is not always harmful: a mad gul gets a 150% bonus to melee damage, while losing other skills, and if he is only halfway to disaster, you can get a boost to strength, stamina, and health. However, regular radiation will also help to boost HP. Eat contaminated food, bathe in unclean water and the hero will get stronger.

Not all factions will be calm to your new alter ego - some will want to shoot the monster. To hide from them, you'll need a disguise from an NPC named Jay. It won't be hard to get back to your normal appearance, but if you want to try yourself again as a gul, completing missions alone won't be enough - you'll have to pay 1000 atoms in the shop.

21 March 2025