The Wasteland just got bigger: Fallout 76 update released

The geography of MMORPG studio Bethesda continues to expand. This time the authors added the Shenandoah River Valley in West Virginia to the game - the map was named Skyline Valley. Here radioactive storms rage, formidable enemies dwell and a new storyline begins, offering to uncover the secrets of Asylum 63. The developers also presented the content of Season 17, dedicated to the theme of scouts with costumes, camps, elements of housing design and entertainment like archery on targets.

Read more about Fallout 76: Skyline Valley

The patch received the number Updating the game to this version, you will get access to the location in the famous national park, where, according to rumors, hidden ruins of the asylum 63. Also here you can fight with gooks of a previously unknown species - electric. They are called "lost" and have something to do with the ruins and the periodic storms that rage in the area. If ordinary enemies prove to be not enough, fight the boss of the region - a huge robot. But keep in mind: to defeat him, you'll need the help of friends. And for the fresh activity, which is the escort of scientists in the storm, it is also better to sign up as a group.

Along with another season of combat passes, you put on your scout tie and, bringing along your comrades, head off to summer camp. For the C.A.M.P. system there are a lot of improvements - from clothing items and chairs to such active leisure activities as archery and swimming competitions. The walls of the base can be decorated with pioneer-style posters, and several laboratories can be set up for experiments. For example, nothing prevents you from repeating the school experiment and power a light bulb from toshka tubers. Or build a primitive telegraph machine.

14 June 2024