Predecessor is now free

Omeda Studios announced that their MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is now free-to-play, although special item sets can still be purchased for money. At the same time the game was released on consoles, including Microsoft devices, and received patch v0.16 - in it users are waiting for hero skins, visual map improvements, quick start kits and changes in the assortment of the digital store. It's time to tell you more about the updated action game.

What's interesting about Predecessor v0.16?

Having converted their game into a conditionally free-to-play format, the developers still consider it an "open beta", meaning no official release has been announced, although the MOBA has been available to the public since December 2022. It represents a reconstructed from the finished materials of the action game Paragon, released in 2016 by Epic Games, but has since fallen into disrepair and closed at the beta stage. The novelty from the original is distinguished by the fact that it is made on the fifth, not the fourth engine Unreal, that is better looking and equipped with a better physical model. The rest is the same: third-person view, battles are fought by two teams of five people, and the main goal of each match is to destroy the enemy's base.

Among the skins added to the game it is worth mentioning Grux's "Ruby Scarab" costume and "Snake Bite" for Murdoch. Themed sprays and banners have also become available. As mentioned above, there are still purchasable quick-start sets left in the fighter, which allow you to easily gain experience, unlock more characters and customize their appearance. If you have already purchased an item, but the price has fallen, the developers promise to return the difference in the form of virtual currency - platinum.

29 March 2024