The popular game Among Us, play and win

In our world there are a lot of very different and unusual online games, some of them are qualitatively imitate very popular, and therefore become the highest rated. And there are other games that, no matter what they do, no matter how to develop and improve them, but still they do not enjoy great popularity.

And there is a very interesting and curious category of online games, which at first did not shoot and do not interest a wide audience, but after a certain period of time to become mega popular, even to the surprise of the developers. Here's one of the online games of this category, we'll look at you in detail today. It is called Among Us.

To begin with, let's look at what the game Among Us is, and what the history of its origins are. In fact, Among Us is a very simple 2D game with a top view. The game was created by a group of developers called InnerSloth consisting of only three people.

It was released in the summer of 2018, despite the fact that it only became popular in the fall of 2020, Among Us was ahead of many, at the time, popular games in the ratings. Even considering the fact that this game doesn't have special effects and graphics.

An important advantage of this game is that it runs smoothly even on the weakest computers. And, of course, it can be downloaded to your computer, as well as on iOs and Android. At the same time for mobile devices it is completely free.

So, when the game was developed, it didn't become public knowledge for a very long time. And even the developers themselves began to realize that nothing good would come out and decided that it would fall into oblivion. And they began to think about creating a second part of the game, in which they wanted to take into account all the mistakes of the first and modify it, so that at least the second part went to the hearts of a large number of gamers. But it didn't work out.

To the creators' surprise, in a few years the first streams of Among Us game's reviews and walkthroughs started to appear. This event and turned the fate of the game from head to foot. And, from an unknown online game it has become a mega popular. Naturally, the developers have postponed the creation of the second part, and with passion began to supplement and improve the first. This game is on the ears of every second child, starting from seven years and every third adult who is at least sometimes interested in online games.
Talk about the history and popularity of this game can be endless, let's talk about the essence of the game and what is it that it is so fascinating?

Among Us is a team-based online game. The principle is to determine who the traitor in the team. To start playing, you need to download this wonderful game and set the interface to Russian. Then choose "online" through the menu and added to any of the teams. Once a certain number of players, you can begin. As a rule, the team consists of ten participants, among whom is randomly selected traitor. The team creator has the right to set the number of participants and the number of traitors at will.
So, the team is typed, the traitor or traitors are determined, you can proceed directly to the game. The action takes place in a vast expanse of space on a ship of alien men (which is why they look so strange and funny), in which there are fourteen compartments (rooms). Each of them is designed for something.

Of course there is a map that shows all these sections. The crew members, i.e. the usual members of the crew, have the right and should move around the ship and perform various tasks, which are shown on the map, such as: repair the engine, install programs on the central control panel of the ship, throw out the trash, hit the shell in the space debris that come across the way and send electricity to other devices by connecting the different colored wires between them.
The traitor, on the other hand, has the right to kill some of the crew and organize sabotage, at the same time fixing the systems of the spaceship, so that the ship will not arrive at its destination. The ship has hatches that only traitors can use to move between compartments to stay undetected and that are also shown on the map. If you suddenly notice a traitor moving through the hatches, you can calmly start negotiations between the crew members to point out the traitor. You must try to prove your point so that the crew will believe you.

If the traitor suddenly kills the character you are playing as, your little man is not going anywhere. He stays on the spaceship as a ghost. You can also continue to play, complete quests, and even go into outer space when you leave the spaceship. The only thing you can't do is recognize and identify the traitor. To make it easier to pass, we recommend, before starting the game, to study the map very carefully, so that you can move around the ship with ease and quickly to identify the traitor or very quickly to eliminate the breakdowns that the enemy has created.
Crew members win if they can correctly identify the intruder and if they manage to complete all missions in a timely manner. Many players make a huge mistake when they start catching traitors, forgetting about the missions. Or on the contrary, perform all the missions without catching the villains. Thus, they never get to win. And after all, the main objective of the game: to play and win!

Let us, however, decide whether to play this game. The answer - definitely yes! After all, despite the weak graphics, it works without interruption and disruption. Very quickly and easily understand how and what to do you can use YouTube, as millions of people have had time to play it and of course many posted on the Internet detailed walkthrough.

And now let's look at the benefits of this popular game. In addition to the fact that playing it can be fun and interesting to spend time, you can also successfully develop long-term thinking. More importantly, you can make new acquaintances, because, playing need to communicate in the chat with other players. Among Us develops attention to detail and the ability to understand where the lies and where the truth. On the one hand you have to have acting skills not to get caught if you play as a traitor, and on the other hand you have to think creatively to easily recognize an intruder. It is also useful in that it stirs up a storm of emotions in us. Thanks to the various stories that appear in front of our eyes. They can make us laugh as well as angry, it can be astonishment and joy, and many other emotions.
Based on the above, we can also conclude that Among Us is quite possible for children to play. The child will learn to reason using logic. And this is very good for children in the future and to improve the quality of communication. Thus, we can conclude that the game Among Us is not for nothing so popular and very interesting.

06 May 2021