Thanksgiving meat at New World

From November 15 to November 28 in the MMORPG New World of Amazon Games will be held activities timed to Thanksgiving. The developers will open the turkey hunting season: you will be able not only to track down the birds, but also to get prey from them - more generous than last year. The most courageous will have a battle with a giant bird - the turculon. But it is worth bearing in mind that this adventure is designed for a group of heroes, not loners. It's time to tell more about the fall activities.

What's going to happen at New World in November?

All over Eternum, the legend of Turkulon is told. They consider it a fairy tale for children, while others take it seriously. Among the latter is a character named Trateles, who you'll need to track down the giant bird. He is the one who forged the war hammer that can defeat the monster, so you can't do without replenishing your arsenal on the hunt. The monster does not walk alone - you can find smaller turkeys at different locations to kill them and get trophies. Among the rewards are diamond plaster, coins, a skinning knife and equipment made of bird body parts. It's worth remembering that some items will become available temporarily, not permanently. By the end of the month, they will disappear.

Boss battles can be fought in Everfall, the Bright Forest, the Valley of Sorrow, Windsword and other areas, so you don't need to go to a specific location to get the prize. But you will have to gather a squad for the battle. The reward process is organized in such a way that after sixteen victories over the turculon you can collect a collection of all the rewards, as well as materials for sewing clothes - for example, leather for boots. But all of this, again, will stay with you until the holiday events are over.

10 November 2023