New World will send gamers into Eternal Frost

Amazon Games staff is preparing the public for the release of the winter update for New World, which will add snowy locations and frosty monsters to the world of Eternum. Players can expect adventures, seasonal events, battles, and access to the test server, which will open soon. And if you can't wait to take part in the final story of Eternal Frost, you'll have to wait until December 12. But keep in mind that you must first pass the activities of the previous add-on - Rise of the Angry Earth.

Read more about Eternal Frost in the New World

The story begins with a knight of the Round Table discovering ancient knowledge that allows him to subjugate all of Eternum with frost power. Heroes should gather units and enlist the support of a fire mage named Daichi to defeat the villain. A new expedition - The Glacial Tarn - will also invite adventurers. It is intended for characters of level 65 and takes place on the territory of the Great Rift, where the ice complex swarming with monsters is hidden. Of course, in the fight against enemies you will need flame charms. You'll also need eight artifacts, including winged shoes and an enchanted bow.

Those who want to add a little festive flavor to their exploits are free to take part in the Winter Festival. Not only Christmas activities will be available, but also a huge boss fight, for which you need to gather a team of twenty people. In addition, an unusual activity inspired by the legends of antiquity will appear on the expanses of Eternum: you will have to track down the ghostly captains of Crassus and fight the Cyclops.

Another important change is the opening of the test server, where public testing of all the announced content will take place, and users will be able to leave feedback and critical comments. For convenience here will allow you to immediately pump the character and pass missions for high levels. This opportunity will be available from November 9, and to participate you need to download a separate client from Steam - New World Public Test Realm. The test will work as follows: the test world is available to all users, but it will be closed on the very day when the December update will be released.

07 November 2023