Egyptian motifs soon to appear in New World

Amazon Corporation continues to develop its ambitious MMORPG - this time New World will have a new location based on Egypt, a few chapters of the story, a large number of items of equipment, as well as a technical patch 1.6.7. All this update is called Brimstone Sands - tell us more about it.

What do we know about the October update of New World?

The changes will take effect in stages. Everything will begin on October 4, when the heroes will begin to receive a half bonus to the accumulation of experience. It is necessary so that as many players as possible to get to level 60 - so they will have access to the new content from the add-on. Patch 1.6.7 also fixes the user interface and some problems, including unclear description of the reasons for the penalties. Now you'll know exactly what kind of hooliganism in a fairy tale world you get a reprimand for.

According to the developers' idea, a bonus to the experience will be valid until October 17. And on the 18th the main add-on Brimstone Sands will be released. It will add to the game an entire area modeled on Ancient Egypt with its pyramids, story adventures, new characters, an expedition and different types of weapons - including the Great Sword and related skills Rise and Disobedience. Amazon assures the public that this will be the biggest update since the launch of New World.

06 October 2022