Marauders - a new action game about space heist

Team17 has released a game called Marauders in early access on Steam. It's a multiplayer action game created in a rare nowadays retro-futuristic style. The rules of the matches are also interesting: gamers infiltrate ships drifting in space and fight among themselves for the loot. We tell you why you should pay attention to the novelty.

What else is interesting about Marauders?

Team17 is a British studio, known for the development of the popular series Worms and The Escapists, so the employees of this company can't be called newcomers. The action of their latest release is set in an alternate universe, where the First World War did not end, but forced all the countries to increase their industrial capacity and seek shelter outside of the Earth. Eventually, by the 1990s, humans had mastered space. But not all expeditions reached their destination, causing many abandoned starships. And on them - luggage, for which the pirates fight. The players play the role of such thieves.

The rules are as follows: you can gather a team or act alone, and the battlefield serve as abandoned ships, which can also land units or individual characters under the control of gamers. Also in the locations come across fighters controlled by artificial intelligence. The task is to get on board, collect valuable items and get out without losing anything or being killed yourself. In general, the mechanics are great reminiscent of Escape from Tarkov, only here there are also battles in space.

05 October 2022