Defending the last frontier in ArcheAge

Developers MMORPG ArcheAge released update "Great Steppe: The guardian of the frontier", which consists of several parts. First, the public opened access to inter-server instances for the guilds. Secondly, the captains of the ships were given to hunt for raid boss, commanding the sea abyss. Finally, content has arrived in the "battle royal" mode, where everyone fights with each other to the last survivor.

"Great Steppe: The guardian of the frontier" in ArcheAge

The first thing to note is that on the occasion of the update all users are entitled to gifts - you can pick them up at the official website of the game. And then, having refreshed the supplies in the storeroom, create a squad of four members of one guild and go to defend the last frontier, where it is necessary to repel the raids of the nagshasas and at the same time interfere with opponents from other teams. There's plenty of room for clever tactics like sideways attacks, but you'll do what you can for the prize of copper dragons and points of honour.

Also added to the game is a battlefield with a huge kraken. All ship owners are free to hunt the sea monster. Another battle on the waves awaits gamers in the "Veil of Dowty" - the "royal battle" mode. There is a new high-speed boat, which allows to overcome the opponents through maneuvering, rather than brute force. The match can take part from 20 to 50 heroes, and the season will be available until March 16 this year.

17 February 2023