Big changes are coming to Hunt: Showdown

The developers of the multiplayer game about gunslingers fighting monsters in late 19th century Louisiana are preparing their project for major changes. But first they share their plans with fans in a series of videos on YouTube. The first video of this series has already been released - it talks about the transition to a new version of the CryEngine engine and the end of support for several popular consoles. Also gamers are waiting for changes in the progress system and interface. We tell you more about the announced patch.

What's going to happen with Hunt: Showdown this summer?

The release of the update is scheduled for August 15 this year. It will bring a lot of improvements, which will be revealed in future videos, but the main change will be the transition to CryEngine version 5.11. This will affect primarily the quality of graphics - the already beautiful game will look even better. But, unfortunately, not in all its versions, so releases for Sony and Microsoft consoles up to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series will be canceled - with free transfer of progress and content from DLC to more modern platforms.

Based on player feedback on all the recent activity and three additions, Crytek employees intend to comprehensively refine their project. Among the important points are interface edits, the system of hiring and pumping characters, the fight against cheaters and people who insult their opponents in chat. Also announced is the release of a new biome with a separate map and the start of the event, the details of which no one has not yet disclosed. Apparently, the developers will reveal more details in the next videos - they will be released until mid-August.

22 May 2024