The Guild Wars 2 storyline is nearing completion

Fans of MMORPG Guild Wars 2 know that the Secrets of the Obscure add-on scenario is now active. By the end of the month the developers from ArenaNet studio promise to release the final chapter of the adventure - The Midnight King. Along with it, gamers will get access to a new fractal dungeon, a set of obsidian armor, prizes, challenges and refined mechanics of the World vs World format. These and other details of the upcoming update were revealed by game director Josh Davis.

Read more about Guild Wars 2 - The Midnight King

The release of the update is scheduled for May 21 this year, which means that fans will soon enjoy the grand finale of Secrets of the Obscure. The patch along with all its contents will be free for all players. The epilogue of the story will take the heroes to the world of Naios, where the Citadel of Zakiros stands, ruled by the Midnight King. He must be defeated. Those who go on a journey through these lands will be able to get the legendary obsidian armor of the second level, continue the Wizard's Vault trials and acquire six new relics. Brave men and women, gathered in teams, will fight five bosses in turn to complete the victory over the forces of evil.

As for the rivalry between servers, the developers will increase the maximum number of members in guilds and add titles for those characters who participate in WvW-activities. In addition, there will be a customization of the aiming reticle, the ability to supply fortresses so that you don't have to worry about defense, and also "Chilling Fog" now heals allies instead of freezing enemies. According to Josh Davis, the next major changes to the game will take place in June, with balance and skill changes planned for that month. The public is also invited to a series of festivals that will stretch throughout the first month of summer.

16 May 2024