The post-apocalypse has arrived in Fortnite!

Epic Games' famous "battle royale" Fortnite has merged in a tight embrace with Mad Max and Fallout universes. As a result, the game has been updated with new characters, levels, objects and even natural phenomena like sandstorms. Of course, gamers will get a huge choice of themed jewelry, appearance types for heroes, weapons and other equipment items. Let's tell you more about what the Wrecked update brings.

What to do in Fortnite: Wrecked?

The fifth chapter of season three brings with it one of the biggest collaborations in years. It's time to venture into the Wasteland, where raiding gangs run rampant and the engines of their creepy cars roar. The new biome, covered with sands and palm trees, contains such sights as oil derricks, a factory, a scene of guitarists from "Mad Max" and a storm-tossed rusty ship with a shark-mouth nose. Be careful, because the last location is inhabited by Megalo Don - a thug capable of smashing a car with his bare hands. But the more dangerous the terrain is, the easier it is to find nitrous oxide tanks for your hero or car. This is a new consumable that allows you to speed up driving and work with your fists in a fight.

Among the car customization items, turrets, spiked bumpers and tires have appeared, and among the car accessories is now a repair gas burner. Even interchangeable bodies from the Behemoth and Wastelander kits have been added to the game. Also anyone can steal an armored bus equipped with all Mad Max canons. In between battles, nothing prevents you from restoring your strength with a sip of cold "Nuclear Cola" from the Fallout series. To feel yourself surviving after the end of the world will help and thematic arsenal, in which only shotguns five pieces. More details can be found on the official website of the project.

25 May 2024