EVE Online will be getting a major update soon

CCP has revealed some details about DLC Equinox, which will be uploaded to the servers of multiplayer space simulator EVE Online on June 11. To properly prepare the public for the changes, the developers released a video where they explained in detail how the game will be improved in a month. In particular, three new resources will appear in the game, as well as galactic structures and interface improvements - let's share the main features of the patch.

What to expect from Equinox in EVE Online?

According to CCP staff, with the release of this update, capsuleers will have access to more content and tools than ever before. Let's start with three structures. The Orbital Skyhook will allow for more resource extraction while retaining the customs function. It will be allowed to be placed on any of the planets - as long as it is a sovereign world owned by the player. Sovereignty Hub will improve the quality of territory management, where users will find a lot of system settings and the ability to create points of interest. Rounding out the list is the Metenox Lunar Drill, another giant space prospector machine. The main thing about these structures is that in addition to other functions, they will bring three resources - labor, reagents and power.

Developers note that the power will be the basic value of the universe, so for it will unfold large-scale conflicts. Since after mining it will go to the Sovereignty Hub, there will be a mechanic of raids, when a group of raiders can attack someone else's property, take everything valuable and quickly escape to their own system. Ambushes will also become available, so approaching mining centers on unprotected haulers is not recommended. As for the interface, it will be improved for ease of interaction in space, as well as to simplify delivery, hacking, data retrieval. Moreover, players engaged in management will have their own set of options.

09 May 2024