Horns or fangs? New Horses in Albion Online

The developers of the MMORPG Albion Online introduced a pair of unusual riding animals - a Spectral Direboar and a cow named Ol’ Betsy. Both animals can be saddled, but to do so, you must meet a few simple conditions. We're telling you how any game user can get such an exotic companion. Sandbox Interactive has already released detailed instructions.

How do I get a cow and a boar in Albion Online?

Green Hog, the default wielder of the "Tidings from Beyond" spell, will become available to gamers taking part in the Undead Challenge. During this activity, you must complete quests in the open world and collect rewards. Bonuses include the Spectral Direboar itself, a skeletal themed avatar frame, magic books, sacks of silver, and various decorations like monuments or candelabras. Even common activities like hunting, fishing, cultivating beds in the vegetable garden, and gathering bring challenge points. Gamers will receive the promised racehorses after scoring at the end of July 2023.

As for Ol’ Betsy, you'll have to do a lot less to get her. It's enough to invite a friend to the game - and after using the referral link you'll receive books worth 200,000 fame, and then, as a result of activating 30 days of premium - a pet with a bell around his neck and a cape on his back. It's worth noting that this promotion will last until August, and you must have at least one harnessed bull to get the horny prize - it's the one that will magically turn into a cow.

03 July 2023