"Lordz.io" Game

Original title: Lordz.io


Probably when you went through medieval history at school, you had only one thought in your head, that of not falling asleep from the monotonous stories. That's why you know nothing about that unique time. But what if you personally get to that time and become not only a witness, but a participant in some of the wars and events that took place then, thanks to the online game Lordz.io. High-quality graphics and clever plot make it really exciting and original. You will have the opportunity to assemble your own personal army, which, thanks to your management, can become one of the most powerful and dangerous. Collect gold, use it to buy soldiers or build houses and fortify them with towers to increase the population. Welcome to online medieval warfare!


Movement: Mouse
Split Army: Space Bar
House: E
Tower: R
Soldier: T
Knight: Y
Archer: U
Barbarian: I
Dragon: O
Ballista: P
Suicide: Esc