"Fort Shooter Simulator" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Fort Shooter Simulator


Fort shooter simulator is a 3D shooter for fans of combat and building construction. You play as a warlike cyborg. Choose your weapon and go to action. Movement controls are classic: W, A, S, D and the space bar for jumping. Aim with the right mouse button and shoot with the left one. Switch the weapon used with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. You can also build your own fort in the game. Use the left mouse button to call up part of the fort, use the left mouse button to build the structure 5, 6, and 7. The L or Escape keys can be used to toggle the mouse cursor lock.


WASD move
Right mouse button to aim
Left mouse button to spawn fort part or shoot
E to cancel building or to pick-up a weapon
1234 to switch a weapon
5,6, or 7 to build a structure
Space bar to jump
L or Escape to toggle mouse cursor lock


Shoot/вызвать часть форта
Cancel building or to pick-up a weapon
Change weapons
Build a structure
Cursor lock