"Flag Word Puzz" Game

Original title: Flag Word Puzz


How well do you know the continents on our planet? How much have you traveled? How familiar are you with the cultures of neighboring countries? The Flag Word Puzz online quiz will help you answer these and other questions. Test your knowledge and improve the ones you already have. Start at the first level and work your way up by practicing. For starters, you'll have the task of finding out whose flag is pictured. Think about your answer. You will have a mini hint that you have to notice. The answer you will have to put yourself in the special cells, and the letters that you will need to place are under them. You will be able to guess the country even without looking at the flag. To place the letters in a cell, press the left mouse button and drag. The correct letter will immediately become a cell, the wrong one will go back to the board. So, whether to solve this puzzle with a clear conscience or to cheat a little is up to you.
