"Samurai Warrior – Kingdom Hero" Game

Original title: Samurai Warrior – Kingdom Hero


Make your character the best in the kung fu industry. The main task in the game is to defeat everyone in your way. Opponent may not be alone, also he may be strong, in appearance, a man or a fragile girl, you will all the same will have to overcome them. Never doubt yourself. Gain experience and defeat enemies.

A Game for the Strong

Luckily, you won't have to fight in the real world, because Samurai Warrior - Kingdom Hero on Zarium is an online game. But you still need the strength - the fortitude and the self-confidence. You will easily overcome any enemy. To play, you'll need internet access and a desire to spend your free time cool. After all, all games at Zarium are free and accessible from absolutely any device. Have fun and show your enemies who's boss here!


Please use Z X C and Arrow keys
