"Stompfeed" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Stompfeed


The game will take you to a wildlife sanctuary, which is home to a variety of animals. Stompfeed is a fun race with elephants and lions. Your task is to feed the poor animals, intelligently dispensing food suitable for their species. Be quicker, because the animals are becoming more and more numerous, and they are ready to overturn the food truck. Keeping a good pace and feeding many, you will get more points! Controls are quite clear and intuitive. Use your mouse to get bags of food out of the truck, throwing them at the appropriate animals. Those animals that stay hungry will disappear, creating a screen shake. Sounds complicated, doesn't it? Don't let a lot of critters go unfed. If you miss a decent amount of animals, you'll have to start over. Keep your eyes peeled for more dangerous and hungry animals lurking in the reserve.


Feed the animal with the proper foods!