"Pizza Challenge" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Pizza Challenge


If you are a pizza lover, you must play the pizza challenge. In it you have to collect different pizzas. They will appear in front of you in order. You have to keep 5 slices completely in the middle so that you can grab them. To play you just need the "W" key or the up arrow key, or if you play from your phone touch controls. That's it. It's as easy as eating a slice of pizza! But the pros of the game do not end there. In addition to the fact that you can play the game with the bot, you can also invite a friend and compete with him. Whoever picks up 5 slices, and he wins the battle. Isn't it great? This game is great to cheer you and your friend up and bring you closer together. So why are you still sitting here? Quickly call your friend and try to play this cool game!


"W" and "UP Arrow" or Touch Controls.