"Number Maze" Game

Original title: Number Maze


How good are you at logic problems? Are you confident that you will win now? Are puzzles a piece of cake and puzzles you can solve in minutes? Then the game Number Maze will definitely interest you. This is a numerical maze that will put you in a daze! You have a field of numbers in front of you that you need to clear. You need to go from point A to point B, reducing the number to zero when you get to the blue zone. Try to calculate the correct number of your steps and not get caught in the tricks of the game. Each cell represents a different number, this is the number that will be subtracted from the total sum. To move from cell to cell, click on it with the left mouse button. Successfully complete the task, and go to the next level of the game Number Maze. If you want to start the level again, click on the button on the left. Also, you can change the order of the numbers around by shuffling them.

