"Titanic Shark Attacks" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Titanic Shark Attacks


Everyone knows the story of the ship called the Titanic. And based on the movie of the same name you know the romantic story of Leonardo. So in the game Titanic Shark Attacks you will have to play as this Leonardo and save your beloved from the hordes of sharks. Huge sharks are swimming and looking for their new prey. Help Leonardo save his beloved from these merciless animals. Left click on the shark to scare it so it swims away from these two. A great game that will appeal both to fans of the movie Titanic and to ordinary people who have never even heard of this sad story. The game is simple and does not require much effort from you. So feel free to try and play it. Titanic Shark Attack will be able to pleasantly surprise you.


Click mouse to smash other people