"Flappy Flying Fish" Game

Original title: Flappy Flying Fish


Tired of the same type of games about flying birds? Welcome to the game flappy flying fish. This game you definitely have not seen. It will bring variety to your standard gameplay of such games. And so what makes it different? Well let's start with the fact that this is a fish, and fish should be in the water. This is what the game provides for, and it can't just fly around endlessly. She periodically needs to dip into the sea, because if she will always be on the surface, the life bar will come to zero. Another feature is the choice of altitude. If you will be close to the sea - it's good, if far away - bad. If you're at the sea, you'll live, but if you suddenly want to fly somewhere far away, your life will instantly decrease and you'll have to start all over again. So the game will give you some new experience and insight into this genre of games. Try it and see for yourself.

