"Crazy Kitchen Difference" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Crazy Kitchen Difference


Perhaps every housewife knows how things work in her kitchen, where the plates are and where the spoons and forks are. But while mom was away, her little daughter took over the kitchen and moved many items to another place. When she returned from work, the woman was gripping her head, wondering how she would ever be able to find the kitchen utensils she needed. Entertainment mess in the kitchen offers the player to compare the pictures of the kitchen environment to daughter's intervention and after, and noticed the changes to note by clicking the left mouse button. To do this, look at all the items, especially small parts, and compare them with the second image of the kitchen. Perhaps somewhere are wrong cups or stickers on the fridge are in chaotic order. It is also possible that the knobs of the gas stove have gotten caught somewhere, and now it is impossible to turn on the burners.

