Game "Blue tear"

Game "Blue tear"
  • Game size:
  • Release date:
    27 February 2015
  • Operating system:
    Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Minimum requirements
  • CPU:
  • RAM:
  • Graphics card:
    256Mb, DirectX 9
Game screenshots

Game description

Jessica receives a letter stating that she is the sole heir to an ancient estate. It also indicates a request to arrive at the site as soon as possible and alone. But Jessica decides not to follow the instructions and gathers a whole group of friends with her on the trip. After all, judging by the date on the envelope, the letter was lost in the mail at the beginning of the last century and no one knows what traditions and manners were at that time. But in today's world to go alone in such a wilderness would clearly not be wise.

Once there Jessica felt that everything around her was strange and frightening. Her intuition was right! They were the first to enter the gates of the house, and immediately found themselves at the mercy of the Black Witch. While Jessica was at a loss what to do, the ghost of the White Witch appeared and said that she must wear a special protective amulet and a special ritual mask before she could enter the house. It is urgent to find these artifacts and arm them, so as not to inadvertently become the next trophy of the black magician. After all, only Jessica can now save her friends!

To understand what is happening girl will have to travel to the past. There she discovers the beginning of history - in this place once lived her ancestors, until one of her relatives took away from the village of an ancient magical artifact - a blue teardrop - and thus gave the Black Sorcerer the opportunity to penetrate the world of people. It is urgent to set things right! First of all you must meet the local tribal elder, who will give you the parts of the amulet - a bone, a bead, a lock of hair and a flower of thistle. After that, go in search of the Master of the Masks.

You will have to pass fascinating mini-games and find all necessary items by the list. Then you will be able to find various useful inventory. If you see a certain item in the list, that is colored blue, it means you will have to perform the additional actions to find it. For example, to find an archer - put a bow and arrow in the hunter's hands, and to get smoke light a pipe of tobacco using only wood chips and a smoldering charcoal

For comfort of the game choose suitable for you mode - "beginner" and the tip will be quickly reloaded and the active area will be illuminated, or "expert", where there is no backlight and the recharge tips takes much longer. Good luck in your search!