"Watermelon and Drinks Puzzle" Game

Original title: Watermelon and Drinks Puzzle


Puzzles are the easiest way to entertain yourself. You can collect them for hours, or you can invite your friends to do them. How to choose the coolest ones - the answer is simple! Play Watermelon and Drinks Puzzle right now. Do watermelon puzzles and have a lot of fun.

To start the game, you will just have to choose one of the pictures in the gallery. Stop at the one that you like the most. That's where you will start the game. Now, you have to set how many pieces you want to assemble the puzzle. The game offers four options: 16, 36, 64 and 100 pieces. When the settings are complete, you can move on to the main gameplay. A timer at the top will record your best score. If you want to see the original image, you can click on the corresponding button on the right. Also, you can flip the puzzles the way you want.


Use mouse to play this html5 puzzle games.
