Puzzles are among those games that will never lose their popularity. Orient yourself in the rules of this game is not difficult - you just need to collect a whole picture of the small fragments. They can be different in size and shape, some are very easy to assemble, other puzzles will have to collect a few hours, and perhaps days or even weeks. This collection offers an impressive number of different puzzles, combined with a very flexible system of settings - it allows you to choose the complexity that suits you, and with it the number of fragments
Start collecting pictures from the corners and edges. You can first select all the fragments with one and two straight edges, and then place them on the additional screen. Here there are four of them at once, so that the puzzle will be more fascinating thanks to several playgrounds.
After the frame is laid out, it remains to place the internal elements in it. For convenience, they should be distributed according to some attributes, such as color or plot. If you move the fragments into "pockets", then you will not lose a single piece. By the way, they are not always rotated correctly, so be prepared to rotate the elements a bit if you can't find their place.
The puzzle set contains several dozen images, and each one is individual and deserves attention. But that's not the best part! The game offers to break into a mosaic any image from your computer, so you can collect puzzles by your favorite photo. Everyone who likes to focus, think, sit in silence for a pleasant activity, surely will not be disappointed, having got acquainted closer with this puzzle collection.
Game "Jigsaw puzzle. Diamond"

Genre: Logical
Game size:14.06Mb
Release date:05 February 2009
Operating system:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
- Minimum requirements
Graphics card:256Mb, DirectX 9
Game description
Popular mini-games for PC