"EG Go Bowling" Game

Original title: EG Go Bowling


EG Go Bowling is a fascinating game of bowling, only online. You will find yourself in a bowling alley, where you will see a track and pins set up. Take the ball for knocking out and make a throw. If you can knock out the pins from the first throw, you will get 10 game points and three bonus points. Further points will be awarded by the number of pins knocked out, but if you can not knock out a single one, you lose a ball, and they are only three. Try to aim aim to always knock out pins because if you lose all three balls you will lose. Gradually the tasks will become more difficult, but the main thing you need in this game is accuracy and strong kick. Do not forget about the trajectory of the flight and the force of the blow, make the calculations carefully, and you will always win. The game is a great stress reliever and mood booster.

