Game "Danse macabre. Lethal letters. Collector's edition"

Game "Danse macabre. Lethal letters. Collector's edition"
  • Game size:
  • Release date:
    22 December 2016
  • Operating system:
    Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Minimum requirements
  • CPU:
  • RAM:
  • Graphics card:
    256Mb, DirectX 9
Game screenshots

Game description

Count Antonov made a request of you, and you could not refuse. So you arrived in St. Petersburg, where you were immediately brought up to speed. It turns out that the Count's fiancee Irina is acting like a lunatic, she has had memory lapses. Count hopes that you will help her, as you are a high class specialist in the field of hypnosis and cognitive psychology. But instead of the usual sessions you had to deal with a real detective story.

To maintain confidentiality, Sergei took you to the theater - he hopes that it will be easiest to discuss the case there. All the more that Irina just performs on stage and shows her skills in the art of ballet. But no sooner is your conversation over, and in front of all present has unfolded is not a performance, but the most terrible realistic bloody action. Now you need to play mini-games, solve puzzles, look for items on the pictures or names, and can also use an alternative in the form of mode "three in a row".

You'll be awarded different ranks for all your successes in the game. You'll be awarded "Sighted Eye" for four quick finds, "Detective" for a hundred, "Accuracy" for searching without mistakes, "Independence" for searching without clues and "Quick Wit" for the fastest minigame progress. Enlist the help of items from your inventory set, use the built-in walkthrough, don't turn down hints if necessary, and don't ignore the map - there's useful information about the quests there for you

And you can also use the ability to hypnotize with a pocket watch, but only if your opponent agrees to it. Set the mode you want, depending on your own mood and abilities - you can choose "Easy", "Medium", "Difficult". For customization, there's Custom. After you have decided, you can start the game. For connoisseurs of additional tasks there is a bonus chapter with more difficult tasks.