"Nutty Twins" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Nutty Twins


Hidden in the ground treasures, treasures in mysterious caves again and again call their seekers. All the old maps have been studied, the places of ancient hiding places have been checked, there is still hope that the pirates may have hidden the treasure in the underground grottos. The two twins ? Pink and Blue, descended into the newly discovered cave and were surprised, all the gold coins were hanging in the air, right above their heads. But here's the trouble ? The Pink Brother can only run, and the Blue Brother can only jump. To get to the coins hanging in the air, one twin had to put his shoulders up for the other brother to jump on him and collect the ancient doubloons. But it wasn't all smooth sailing here, either. In later levels, some caves were impassable for two men at the same time, so the player had to think about how to get through to the Pink brother with the Blue on his shoulders.


Use keyboard or gamepad or both.
Instructions are in the game.
Use the escape to return to the menu.