To look at others and to show ourselves. "League of the Best" in Warface

The developers of multiplayer shooter Warface have already gathered feedback from the public about the trial launch of the "League of the Best" season - since June 20 it returns to the test servers. And in anticipation of a full-fledged release, the employees of the My.Games studio released two videos - a story trailer and presentation, where they described in detail what awaits fans of the game in the summer.

Warface: "League of the Best" in detail

According to the developers, the main purpose of the season is to allow the most experienced players to fight for the best prizes available in the project. Update develops Warface in three main areas: introduces rating matches format 3.0, redesigned maps for the mode "Explosion" and a battle pass with fresh content. As for the first group of changes, the rankings will not be 21 leagues, but 7 - all four divisions, except for the two highest, "Master" and "Grandmaster". People with 2,300 or more ranking points go to the top of the standings. But with fame comes responsibility: for inactivity, champions lose 50 points per day until they are placed in one of the Diamond League divisions, where there are no such penalties. Promotion to the top is arranged habitually, following the example of exams - for example, you have to score a certain number of RP and win 3 games out of 5.
The four maps for "Bombing" underwent a radical redesign. First, the designers refreshed "Bridges," "Object D17," "Pyramid," and "Destination" externally. Second, they removed long-range shooting positions and points where teammates were required to cooperate to achieve tactical success. From now on, everyone can single-handedly bring value to their squad. Finally, the combat pass. Its main difference is that the "League of the Best" set has no equipment sets, but there is a bonus 25 levels to earn tokens, and cool guns available in the BP store for credits.

20 June 2022