Dangerous Girl with a Brush: The Fate of Lost Ark in Russia

No sooner had the April updates, including the addition of the Destroyer and Glefist classes, taken root in Lost Ark than My.Games, the game's publisher, announced plans for the project. The roadmap covers the period from May to July 2022. During this time, an entire location, character class, battle mode and other content will be added to the MMORPG. We share with you the details.

The Artist, Roven, and Wall-to-Wall - What awaits Lost Ark

Thanks to the addition "Favorite Pets" game fans have already raised animals on their own ranch, passed the plot update "Mysteries of Run-Liar" and defeated the Lord of Illusions in the dungeon "The Forces of Esdo". Also in April the public was pleased with the Lost Ark client update, where the bug with the crash on the desktop was fixed. Now it's about the further development of the project. In May, the developers promised to add Roven continent, where battles will be available in PvP mode, June will return gamers event "Acrosia Express", and introduce them to the class Artist. The second month of summer will bring with it 48-on-48 battles and seasonal activities.

All of these changes will be immediately localized, as the announcement was made by the publisher of the game in Russia. However, the staff of My.Games note that the plan may still be corrected - for more information, they advise to follow the news on the official website and social networks.

26 April 2022