Same tanks, only smaller. "Dronapocalypse" in Crossout

The multiplayer action game, where you can collect war machines and fight on maps with the same creations of other players, has received a major update. It includes patch 0.13.50 and the temporary event "Dronapocalypse", which holds matches under special rules. We tell you more about what will amuse Crossout fans in the near future.

What the update for Crossout is notable

"Dronapocalypse" will run from March 24 to April 10. It's an online battle where two teams of eight players wield drones - small, homemade robots. Each team must destroy the enemy Leviathan - a heavily armored large machine. Whoever succeeds, wins. If by the end of the match both leviathans are still on the move, the hosts of the most damaged one lose. Notably, the new mode allows you to revive after a drone's death - you can return to the battlefield by choosing one of five pre-assembled options in the workshop.

Also patch 0.13.50 brings a number of changes to Crossout. The most important - the appearance of a full-fledged telescopic sight in the manner of those used in the World of Tanks. Also of interest is the "Bargest" set, which includes a unique drawing of an armored vehicle, items of epic rarity, sets of stickers and other decorations. Wasn't without the usual for such patches optimization maps. This time the changes affected all locations represented in the game.

24 March 2022