Those Who Go to Death Salute You: Conqueror's Blade Update

MMORPG Conqueror's Blade features the mechanics of two genres: a role-playing game where your hero increases his power by defeating enemies in adventures, and strategy with land grabs and army training. Recently the developers from the company My.Games announced an update called "Colosseum". As its name suggests, the theme of the update is gladiatorial battles in the arena.

"The Colosseum" at Conqueror's Blade

In the new mode, two teams of six players fight inside a huge amphitheater. Various AI-controlled warrior squads, with the exception of cavalry, are allowed to join the cause, as well as the guns placed in the arena. At the same time, one hero is able to take control of only one weapon. If you are killed, you will return to the battlefield twice - the third death is considered final. Characters with level 30 or higher are allowed to participate in these battles.

The rules in the mode are simple: each of the teams at the start of 500 points. Loses the squad whose score drops to zero. The battle lasts 10 minutes - if no one during this time is not dismantled to a cog, the heroes who have saved more points win. You can decrease the enemy's score not only by killing warriors, but also by stealing the enemy's flag. Conqueror's Blade Colosseum release is scheduled for September 1. Battles in the amphitheater arena will be available throughout the season. The add-on, as well as the game as a whole, is offered to gamers for free.

24 August 2022