Once upon a time the most dangerous pirate in the Caribbean, Blackbeard, hid his treasure from prying eyes and drew a map so that you wouldn't forget where it was. This map came to your hands, so with its help you have all chances to get to the desired chest. But in the map the pirate didn't mark the numerous traps, that are on his way, so you need to be attentive and try to avoid them by your own power.
The traps are not destroyed, so you don't need to try to defeat them by means of force. But dexterity and cunning are good helpers in any situation. Solve logical puzzles, clear the area from the dark cells, which are a hindrance on the way to the gems. Remove them by moving jewels or gold coins, so that after that you get a chain, which will create three or more of the same tokens.
Sometimes things get so tangled up that it is extremely difficult to find a move, but that's the beauty of the game - 10 thousand points allows you to buy a new life. At the same time you should not get hung up solely on the accumulation of doubloons, you need to remember about time, because each level has a set time limit - with the start of the game the fuse on the powder keg is lit, and while it smolders, you can perform tasks.
If the gunpowder explodes before you do everything, you'll be left without one life. You can try to cheat - there are power-ups for this. They allow you to launch a lightning strike or blow up the surroundings to clear the playground. You can also leap over the most difficult levels, but you have to pay for it - one level - one life. Even veteran treasure hunters will be impressed by this puzzle game, and beginners will have even more fun. Choose the right game mode and go!
Game "Treasure island"

Genre: Lines
Game size:14.07Mb
Release date:01 September 2006
Operating system:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
- Minimum requirements
Graphics card:256Mb, DirectX 9
Game description
Popular mini-games for PC