"Missiles Attack" Game

Original title: Missiles Attack


If your speakers are playing an epic soundtrack and you see aggressive zombies on your monitor, it means that you are plunged into the incredible action world of Missiles Attack. In this game, there's no time to be traded in for knives, pistols and rifles, because the truly evil zombies can only be destroyed with truly evil weapons - multi-ton and explosive missiles, of which you have a whole bunch. "Guns to battle! Aim 34 degrees! Correction for wind! Fire!" - you yell, and here comes another reanimated dead man turning into a handful of ashes after meeting your TNT friends. But it's too early to relax, because there are hundreds of reanimated corpses ahead, eager to eat your flesh and deserving only fire and death.


Tap left side to fire from left, tap right side to fire from right