There are many amazing treasures hidden under the water, and only a few manage to get to the bottom of the sea and become the owner of untold sea treasures. Can you do it? Can you collect all the gifts of the underwater kingdom and win the glory? Well, get ready for the most exciting adventure of your life!
You will see a breathtaking spectacle: coral reefs, amazing sea creatures, a lot of pearls and ancient submerged treasures... and that's just the beginning of your journey! The first level is a sea monster field. Here you need to clear the place of figures. But it's not that easy! You can only remove two pieces at a time, and they must be either of the same color or from the same group. Another condition is that the chips should not be adjacent to others. Oh yes, calculate the moves ahead, because you do not have so many moves at your disposal. Removing the final pieces from the field - you complete the level. But only the level, not the whole game. With each time the combination will be more and more sophisticated, the moves in reserve are less and less, and the tasks are more difficult
You will not be abandoned to your fate: your arsenal contains clues and special features, such as undoing a move or reshuffling all the pieces. And to make the game more interesting, customize the locations' backgrounds, choose your own colors for the counters, or change the pictures on them.
You get points for each removed pair of figures. The more points in the result - the higher the status of the winner. Note, you can complete the level several times faster by removing the final figurines from the field, but this means that you will get less points. And what does this mean? In the final, instead of three stars, you will get only one. So don't be afraid of difficulties and spend your time in a fun and rewarding way.
Game "Fishjong"

Genre: Logical
Game size:96.52Mb
Release date:15 May 2018
Operating system:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
- Minimum requirements
Graphics card:256Mb, DirectX 9
Game description
Popular mini-games for PC