Historic May in War Thunder

Employees of Gaijin Entertainment have announced the launch of War Thunder online action game with tasks timed to the events of the Second World War. All activities will take place on the same days of the month, when they unfolded earlier, and to participate in them invited owners of equipment suitable for the entourage. That is, for example, the Soviet armored cars can not be in the Pacific theater of war, where fought between the Allies and the Japanese. The developers also return to the sale for Golden Eagles heavy cruiser Dupleix.

Read more about the May update of War Thunder

From the 1st to the 31st users will complete eight missions with rewards, and then, on June 3, will start selling for ZO a player icon with a portrait of Semyon Sorokin - the lieutenant who was the first to place the red flag on the roof of the Reichstag. Regular tasks will open at 14:00 on the dates listed below and will bring the winners camouflages, boosters, doublers and a day of premium account. On May 1, users will be able to take part in the battle for Tarakan Island near Borneo, where the Japanese were extracting oil, on May 4, Operation Battleship will begin with the British landing in Madagascar, and from the 7th to the 10th, the action will move to the Eastern Front.

Operation Diadem and Operation Mercury will then follow one after the other. From May 13 to 17, there will be an activity timed to coincide with the end of the Tunisian campaign, where German and Italian troops were defeated. Until the 26th gamers will storm the Zenger Line in Italy, and at the end of the month everyone will be able to celebrate the first flight of the F-4 Phantom II fighter, which took place on the same days in 1958. For battles at sea, fans of rare equipment will find the French cruiser Dupleix available for 6090 Golden Eagles. It is equipped with reinforced armor, torpedoes, four paired 90mm cannons, a 203mm gun and scout planes.

02 May 2024