Thank you all, everyone is free. The last quest of TERA Online

Soon the computer version of TERA Online will be closed - after more than ten years of adventures and feats in the fabulous lands of Arborea. The developers of this MMORPG are going to focus their forces on other projects, and so fans don't hang their noses up and don't think they are forgotten, released a farewell video on YouTube titled The Last Quest. Here you can see many of the game's characters, who express their gratitude to gamers.

Farewell to TERA Online

Farewell to TERA Online

As it became known, on June 30, 2022 all the PC-servers of the game will be shut down, the forums will be closed and support for the project will cease, while there is no similar information about the console version. Those who remain loyal to the TERA, until the finale will receive discounts and triple reward in group dungeons, will be able to enchant items more easily and enjoy other farewell bonuses. If you decided to jump into the last carriage of the departing train, then there is no encouragement: registration of accounts is closed for PC users since the end of May.

The Last Quest video was created to say goodbye to the TERA Online audience properly. The game's characters take turns turning to the viewer to thank him for participating. Lastly, the goddess Velik speaks: she says she'll remember the courage and willpower we showed in defending Arborea. Such an address, of course, is heartbreaking.

18 June 2022