Special forces work: a major update of Ready or Not

The authors of the action thriller Ready or Not announced that soon will present to the public updated artificial intelligence, which will make the work of the police special forces even more difficult. Among other things we are promised that the suspects will learn to engage in close combat, arrange cunning ambushes and even pretend to be dead. We'll discuss this update in more detail.

What will Ready or Not be like this summer?

Multiplayer shooters about special forces are not a surprise to anyone - just remember the Counter-Strike series. On a basic level, Ready or Not is structured exactly the same way: a squad must enter a building to arrest or kill villains and free hostages. Only this game reveals the theme more thoroughly. The villains here can be difficult to distinguish from the civilians, and you have to take into account a variety of nuances. For example, the gamer can be fined for breaking the rules of detention, and the bad guys are cunning in every way they can - they either get rid of the chains, when they are not looked at, or run away, using the convenient moment. Their behavior is the responsibility of a very complex AI, which will get even better.

The first thing the developers from the studio VOID Interactive pay attention to is that the opponents will be able to attack cops in close combat, as well as waiting in ambushes and retreat into cover after a melee. In addition, criminals will be taught tactical tricks like shooting from cover blind, flanking, hiding in closets and under beds. They will even fake their own deaths, so that the team of players will have to be very careful. Update with new AI will be available in June 2022, but the exact date is still unknown.

05 June 2022