Become a Tyrannosaurus! Path of Titans beta test coming soon

The developers of the multiplayer dinosaur survival game Path of Titans announced that from July 27 the beta version will be available on PC, consoles and mobile devices. Judging by the promises of Alderon Games staff, it's not just a sandbox, and a full-fledged MMO - with a character editor, quests, guilds and everything that is supposed to the genre. Let's learn more about the novelty.

An unusual game about dinosaurs

Path of Titans now offers 26 species of fossil lizards. The selected "hero" can be customized in the editor and grown from an egg to an adult. The main occupation of the dinosaurs is survival in the wild: hunting, fishing, grouping together. This is how guilds are arranged in the game - it is implied that such teams will be friends or war with each other. One server can hold up to 200 active connections. The developers promise a huge map with hundreds of creatures under the control of AI, so that it is possible to travel through the virtual universe not only in company, but also alone.

Another feature of the project is that it is cross-platform: PC users can play with the owners of consoles on the same locations. To participate in the test it is necessary to register on the official website. When exactly the game's testing will end is still unknown. But anyone can bring up to six friends to the beta - and get bonuses for it.

24 July 2022