The release of Palia has taken place

The game, which was called a mixture of The Sims and Stardew Valley, has reached the release on Steam. It was made by former employees of Blizzard and Riot Games, and financed by ordinary gamers with the help of crowdfunding platforms. From the moment of its announcement the project attracted public attention, but now it can be evaluated in Steam for free. However, despite the pre-release hype, Palia gathered mixed reviews at the launch. What makes it remarkable and what in it causes so many contradictory reactions?

Read more about Palia

The main occupation here is setting up a virtual manor with farm simulation, fishing and other activities in this spirit. There are also crafts that allow you to make and repair items on workbenches by yourself. Around the estate is a large open world, where you can find unique places and explore them in search of something useful. Among such locations the developers especially emphasize the Temple of Roots, where seeds of rare plants are hidden. And in the neighborhood with your character dwell other heroes under the control of users. All together are offered to solve the mysteries of the past and step by step find out where the ancient population of Kilim Valley and Bahari Bay went.

According to the developers, they wanted to create a friendly society, so there are no PvP battles here, but there are PvE-activities, when users cooperate to achieve common goals. Among the claims of gamers, the first place is occupied by questions to multiplayer - there are few classes in it, and the servers are technically unable to support a large number of people in one session. Nevertheless, the popular opinion is that the game will be updated and receive DLC. If you log in within 30 days, your protagonist will be given a huge plush toad.

26 March 2024