First anniversary of MIR4, one of the most controversial MMORPGs

The game MIR4 intrigued the public from the very beginning of its existence. Firstly, the developers offered to earn real money with the entertainment by converting the mined virtual resources into dollars. Secondly, the employees of the Wemade studio somehow managed to publish the project with NFT support on Steam, where such kind of tokens are forbidden.

As MIR4 celebrates its anniversary

To be exact, the year since the game's release is August 25, 2022. But the celebration will start before that: on the 23rd of August a contest with gifts for fans will start. For example, you will be able to make a drawing based on the MMORPG and put it up for voting. Also the developers will launch two events inside MIR4, Divine Dragon's Blessing and Mir's Cintamani Stone Exchange Shop. The first one gives a bonus try when combining items with a chance to receive a dragon's blessing, and the second allows you to knock out a special stone from monsters, which is then exchanged for a legendary dragon statue in the shop.

In addition, the developers announced that they are going to re-release the original MIR under the name Legend of Ymir. As for MIR4, six new servers will be opened for it, where only verified NFT-characters will go. Now the project is available for free - all users can connect to the Steam store. However, on the site itself feedback on it mixed: the public complains about the large number of bots and the drop in profits from resource extraction.

22 August 2022